Monday, October 5, 2009

Amicable GUPSies

Who are they? Does anyone know about them? Or does anyone recognize this kind of organization? Ohh yeah, there’s lot of organization but why should I care? Can’t we really care for them? Will, I don’t even know until I read something about them that strike me enormously. And you may not believe that for the first time I felt, that I too have a little doubt that they could really do, could they really give PEACE? I admit I give a mocking smile on that statement but HOLLAH! What I realize that yes, why can’t they? This bunch of people, knows how to think and felt hurt when someone mock on them, I really admit it that I so judge mental that I haven’t heard myself then, they called themselves GUPsies or mostly known as Gays United for Peace and Solidarity an organization dedicated to the empowerment of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender . GUPS was born out of the desire and aspirations to claim their God-given right of equal protection, equal opportunity and non-discrimination regardless of creed, belief, sexual orientation and gender equality.

This organization promotes and advances the cause towards the elimination of all sort of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. They work closely with other groups, individuals and stakeholders towards the advancement of policies, ordinances and legal instruments that advocate for equal protection and equal opportunity for all. They lead a colourful and unconventional way of life. They have the brightest, most talented, innovative and creative people who untiringly contribute to the country's development and progress. They even been the most visible and yet the least powerful group in our society. In the past they had been submissive and silently doing their assigned tasks and roles amidst all the mockery and disrespect by the society that they serve. Now, as ever, the LGBT community continues to endure ridicule, harassment, or worst being discriminated against and constantly bullied and tormented even by their own families, by the communities, churches, and the government.

GUPS was organised to address issues of marginalisation and discrimination. They work harder to push for legislations at the local and national level for social inclusion, equal protection, equal opportunity and social justice.

We may not admit it, but what this group’s mission and visions is inspiring and amicably to be hand in hand bragging PEACE, LOVE and EQUALITY in spite of the mockery and insult that they get, they never stop caring and bringing it on, in their own little way, and I was asking to myself then, if this people with dual personality (I’m not insinuating the BIPOLAR disorder here) could do this things and even bare all of this, then why can’t we? We use to be known as normal or perfectly right in our personality why can’t we even share and bring the PEACE, LOVE and EQUALITY out of us then? Will I’ll leave that question for us to think and not to condemn, for we intend to our own opinions and views but what I’m saying here is, let’s BRING OUT the best of us without building GAPSES and BRIDGES on who we are and who they are.

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