Friday, October 9, 2009

Dealing with Tricky, Broken Hearts

They said broken hearts never healed when you are still haunted and have that Fears, we both know that all of us have been trough on that stage even the little child who had this closest childhood friend who always give them attention and then in a sudden she/he found out that the smile that he/she used too, had been given to someone else, at that moment then that little child’s heart has been broken. Though it’s not a big deal to us big girls of what that little child felt but come to think of it, it’s still the word BROKEN HEART its sounds so funny but it’s true, it only signifies that BROKEN HEART is for all of us who fall and feel that special feelings that we can’t resist.
Breaking our hearts into pieces from the person who we treasured most is what we always afraid of and think about most, I admit I’m one of those person who feared so much to be fallen apart and be one of the broken hearted person again, I even ask Gods guidance that He might give me strength to overcome it when that moment would come again, for I truly know dealing with that pain and heart break again is not that easy, for it made us all roam into the deepest grief and a melancholic atmosphere, and from that on a broken hearted lad will be born out of us. And let’s admit it by that moment when we’re drag on that disposition we can’t even see that we are not the one who suffered most from that broken heart, for we are blind enough to see for our own grief that even knowing the truth that the people who surrounds us is the most affected person we might ever know, for breaking ones heart is not that easy to deal with, it is craving for an answer on why and how does it happen, even crying so hard on not believing that it really happened, from that moment we can’t even see that the people surrounds us felt triple time on what we have felt. From my own experience, indulging myself into grief and frustration is what I’ve done, that reaches to the point of forgetting the people who cared and love me more than my men do, I even forget my worth that I attempt on getting suicide (will I know that was a dumb thing to do but what should I do when I was on that feeling of broken heart and so frustrated) but thanks God he wake me up and hit me hard that even Him I forgot, that His the only men who would love without breaking our hearts( when it’s us who always break his heart though). And from that on I realize that breaking ones heart is not a disease to be afraid of and mostly should not dealing too hard on it though it’s the toughest decision we’ve need to face and go through, for it’s a lesson for us to think what we need to think about for every time we felt so hurt it’s also the time we felt better it might not now but soon and come to think of it after losing someone we love look around and count the people who love and cared you most, the bottom of it, “BROKEN HEART is not a feeling to be CURSE but a feeling to be thank of, for it won’t made you weak It made you more Stronger than ever.”
So deal our broken hearts at ease though it’s too tough to bare but what could we lost? Hmm…what should I say? Will we’re losing the tricky part of it

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