Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Dark Angel

Fell storm clouds deny Sol's sweet caress
Leaving only lightless emptiness.
Warmth gives way to chilling haze,
Silence screams in mute malaise.
A bleak horizon devoid of joy;
A soul believes it is but Fate's toy...
My world had lost all 'semblance of life:
Realm of heartache in seething strife.
Then dread clouds were pierced by rays of light
Which banished the cold and shattered old night.
From a radiant beam, a Dark Angel descended.
Her laughter was song; the silence had ended.
With beauty unmatched, there were stars in her eyes,
Gems could not sparkle so, despite how they try.
She landed far from me, distant light in the dark,
Like a star far from Heaven out for a lark.
Since then I've done naught but seek my love out.
I'd traverse this world over, of this there's no doubt.
Her lips spoke of love that she sought to share.
Two spirits could not have been better paired.
I breathlessly await to behold her at last;
To gaze upon splendor so infinitely vast;
Hold her close to my heart, to kiss her soft skin;
And confess love undiscerning, to know peace once again.

(The following poetry was conceived and written by Joseph Spicer. I'd prefer none of it to be reproduced without due credit-AT LEAST, if not PERMISSION- to -and from- the author)

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