Saturday, February 6, 2010

To Be or not To Be SLAUGHTERED?...

Sea turns red not because of the natures climate effect or change but due to the slaughtering of CALDERON DOLPHINS...
as what we all know DOLPHINS are tamed and an in dangered mammal that so happened to be the HUMANS SAVIOR in the dept of that huge vast of water, but as you all see in this pictures how they've been slaughtered even they try to struggled for there survival still they never escaped from the cruelty of the HUMAN HANDS..
because of the CRUELTY of US human being HUNDRENDS of FAMOUS and INTELLIGENT CALDERON DOLPHINS were died.

this happen every year in FEROE ILAND DENMARK which the main participants are the YOUNG TEENS...

it is a part of the celebration, to slaughter dolphins to show that there ADULTS and MATURE

in this BIG CELEBRATION nothing is missing for fun. everyone is participating in one way or other, killing with much cruelty and SUPPORTING like SPECTATORS......

it is necessary to mention that the DOLPHIN CALDERON and other species of DOLPHINS is on its way to extinction.....

they don't die instantly, they've been cut 2 - 3 times on a thick hooks. but humans seems so deaf of the cry of the CALDERON DOLPHINS when they felt the pain when the hook go deeper into there skins....

they suffer with so much pain and compassion, even mother nature can't norture them from the agony they felt while dying slowly with there bloods float in that wide vast of water....

may we not be BLIND enough and play deaf on the reality that this simple pictures would awaked us all to know that they may not be humans like us but they still have feelings to be hurt.....its ENOUGH....they have the right to live and not to be SLAUGHTERED....

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