Friday, February 19, 2010


most of us usually know that a teen age girls, average women could bare a child in there womb, i never thought that a one-year-old could possibly bare it too, its really shocking but its true, but this only happen in 500,000 pregnancies.

the Chinese medicine was totally on shock, when they found this one-year-old girl pregnant. this little girl was taken to the hospital after her parents discover the un explained stomach swelling, the doctors where amaze and that they have the little girl to be scan and found out that a baby was inside the one-year-old girl's belly.

the doctors explanation is that, it was the little girl twin brother, it was explained that the embryo was not caught in the womb and has found another place to grow.

baby MENGRU will suffer if she will undergo CT, and on this little MENGRU KANG left the china medics baffled in this mysterious upbringing...
but still this little girl is on its way for an operation.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

To Be or not To Be SLAUGHTERED?...

Sea turns red not because of the natures climate effect or change but due to the slaughtering of CALDERON DOLPHINS...
as what we all know DOLPHINS are tamed and an in dangered mammal that so happened to be the HUMANS SAVIOR in the dept of that huge vast of water, but as you all see in this pictures how they've been slaughtered even they try to struggled for there survival still they never escaped from the cruelty of the HUMAN HANDS..
because of the CRUELTY of US human being HUNDRENDS of FAMOUS and INTELLIGENT CALDERON DOLPHINS were died.

this happen every year in FEROE ILAND DENMARK which the main participants are the YOUNG TEENS...

it is a part of the celebration, to slaughter dolphins to show that there ADULTS and MATURE

in this BIG CELEBRATION nothing is missing for fun. everyone is participating in one way or other, killing with much cruelty and SUPPORTING like SPECTATORS......

it is necessary to mention that the DOLPHIN CALDERON and other species of DOLPHINS is on its way to extinction.....

they don't die instantly, they've been cut 2 - 3 times on a thick hooks. but humans seems so deaf of the cry of the CALDERON DOLPHINS when they felt the pain when the hook go deeper into there skins....

they suffer with so much pain and compassion, even mother nature can't norture them from the agony they felt while dying slowly with there bloods float in that wide vast of water....

may we not be BLIND enough and play deaf on the reality that this simple pictures would awaked us all to know that they may not be humans like us but they still have feelings to be hurt.....its ENOUGH....they have the right to live and not to be SLAUGHTERED....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

St. Bernadette - 122 Years after Death

These are the pictures of St. Bernadette who died 122 years ago in Lourdes, France and was buried; her body was only discovered 30 years ago.. After church officials decided to examine it they discovered her body is still fresh until today and if you ever go to Lourdes, France you can see her in the church in Lourdes. Her body isn't decomposing because during her lifetime, the Mother of Jesus would always appear to her and give messages and advice to all mankind on the right way to live on this earth. Many miracles have taken place in this place of Lourdes and still do until today.

Scientists have wondered about this because it defies the laws of nature and instead of expecting a foul smell of a dead body, a fragrance of flowers can be experienced when the glass of coffin is opened. Some say they experience the fragrance by just going near the coffin. You can visit the Church of Lourdes, France to verify yourself the authenticity of this truly wonderful experience and see for yourself a living miracle of our times.

Friday, December 18, 2009


why do i say this? for LIFE is so unpredictable, we don't know when or can't tell how will it end....
as of now I'm doing some steps for a life to be flourish and be remembered..









Monday, December 14, 2009

Is it Possible to BITE your NOSE?

you may think its weird, but try to think of it, is it really possible?
hey i got this photo's from a friend of course, at first he just ask me that same question and i said "hmm, i doubt if anyone could do it" then he barely laugh at me and said "check this out".... you may think its a JUNK but hey common its for fun and admit it its an ability that most people don't have.
this lad came from a certain place of CHINA, the first time i look at it believe me i never thought he could not then when i see the whole pictures, dudes its amazing, it seems that he don't have bone, here i'll share some of his clips.

its funny but its true....rare of a kind...


I may be able to speak all the language that could be describe on how pretty our mother earth was, but as i look on this picture and see how really amazing and captivating it was, i was tongue tied and speechless, my words of appreciation is like a clanging bell for i can't hide the amusement that was been dig upon eying on this...

and that I never knew that it bring out the thrill in me, until this day i nearly stumbled every time i picture out things on how we've been blessed to have this amicable place to leave in....

its really a true paradise.........

just like this COTTON CANDY cloud, hmmmmm...i know your wishing too, to take a nap in a comfy wave clouds....

isn't it BEAUTIFUL to see this RAYS OF DAWN with out the shade of POLLUTION?

ahhh...see even the WIND speaks trough its marks.....

take a look on this PEARLY WHITE SEA SHELLS isn't they lovely? how i wish it would stay the same when time flit so fast...

how about this SECRET LIKE BASE?

oh, maybe this UNTOUCHABLE GREEN FOREST? with a flowery path....

and lastly the EARTHS BELLY BUTTON, PERFECT its really amazing

may we LEARN much more to take good care of this just like some other TECHNOLOGICAL FADS its both BLESSINGS and sometimes a CURSE when we SPOIL and RUIN this GODS greatest CREATION.

May this little show of AMAZING BEAUTY of MOTHER EARTH reaches core's t of your HEART and spread the words of SAVING it, a message worth spreading over and over again.

(would like to thank DAVIS for allowing me to use his pretty shots, and for your untiring and insuperable compilation of MOTHER EARTH pictures.)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Dark Angel

Fell storm clouds deny Sol's sweet caress
Leaving only lightless emptiness.
Warmth gives way to chilling haze,
Silence screams in mute malaise.
A bleak horizon devoid of joy;
A soul believes it is but Fate's toy...
My world had lost all 'semblance of life:
Realm of heartache in seething strife.
Then dread clouds were pierced by rays of light
Which banished the cold and shattered old night.
From a radiant beam, a Dark Angel descended.
Her laughter was song; the silence had ended.
With beauty unmatched, there were stars in her eyes,
Gems could not sparkle so, despite how they try.
She landed far from me, distant light in the dark,
Like a star far from Heaven out for a lark.
Since then I've done naught but seek my love out.
I'd traverse this world over, of this there's no doubt.
Her lips spoke of love that she sought to share.
Two spirits could not have been better paired.
I breathlessly await to behold her at last;
To gaze upon splendor so infinitely vast;
Hold her close to my heart, to kiss her soft skin;
And confess love undiscerning, to know peace once again.

(The following poetry was conceived and written by Joseph Spicer. I'd prefer none of it to be reproduced without due credit-AT LEAST, if not PERMISSION- to -and from- the author)