Friday, September 25, 2009

In Memory of Sr. Elizabeth

When I shall sleep

Oh, for the time when I shall sleep
Without identity,
And never care how rain may steep,
Or snow may cover me!
No promised heaven these wild desires
Could all, or half, fulful;
No threatened hell, with quenchless fires,
Subdue this quenchless will!

So said I, and still say the same;
Still, to my death, will say—
Three gods within this little frame
Are warring night and day:
Heaven could not hold them all, and yet
They all are held in me;
And must be mine till I forget
My present entity!

Oh, for the time when in my breast
Their struggles will be o'er!
Oh, for the day when I shall rest,
And never suffer more!

August 9, 2008 Again one of our dearest mentor of Goodness join her life with our almighty father, She serves as our mother in need, she never stop loving and caring for the children. Until her last breath, she serves a good example on how to love without expecting in return, I remember I was on my 2nd or 3rd years when Sr. Elizabeth (but we usually call her Mommy Elizabeth) took place as our Sister in charge, though it’s just an ample time that she’s with us she scolded us more often for truly 3rd batch of CEBU branch is a hard-headed and really a brat batch as what they always say and I admit it’s really true, but Mommy Elizabeth never give up on us she guides us and always told us that the road to Goodness is not that easy but if we strive to do our best then the impression that we made to our older and younger sisters or brothers will be erase, I remember she told us that “it’s not just on a wink that we could realize our mistake but what matter most is that we know we did it wrong and never stop asking God’s forgiveness for he is the only one we can lean on when we stumble and fall.” we’re too young to fully understand it but when I step out and think of that word she plant on mind, I just fully realize that what she said serves as the light to our darken path. Her words really meant to us since we fully understood the word she said in our younger years.

We already lost two loving people who mark a huge part of our life, there not just a person who passed away but they are our loving Father and Mother who cuddle us in our great grief, but Sadness is not the word to be put on them for we know there still looking down here and never stop guiding us to be a better person....Fr. Al and Sr. Elizabeth are now happily united in our Almighty’s kingdom....

We truly miss you both for you never felt tired teaching us and for showing your immeasurable love to us, as your children we me not be as perfect as you are but were trying to be the best children of mankind.

TheSistersOf Mary School

The Religious Congregation of the Sisters of Mary was founded in Busan, South Korea in 1964 by the Servant of God, Msgr. Aloysius Schwartz. Their apostolate is to serve the poorest of the poor in the name of Christ, inspired by their patroness, the Virgin of the Poor, who appeared in Banneux, Belgium, saying, “… I come to relieve suffering.”

Strengthened by their love and devotion to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, they serve and relieve the suffering of Jesus in the poor by establishing Boystowns and Girlstowns to care for and educate the orphans, abandoned and very poor children; charity clinics and hospitals for the sick people; and homes for the homeless elderly and disabled men, women and unwed mothers.

The Sisters of Mary can be described as “contemplatives in action.” That is, they strive to unite the vocations of Martha and Mary. Their active life of service for the poor is balanced by three hours of daily prayer and contemplation.

After approximately four years of formation, the sisters profess the religious vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, and service to the poor. These vows are being renewed each year at the end of the annual retreat.

Through the invitation of ecclesial and government authorities, the sisters have expanded from Korea to the Philippines, Mexico, Guatemala and Brazil and currently care for tens of thousands of needy people in these countries. “The harvest indeed is great but the laborers are few…..” A lot more poor especially the children and the youth are in need of help… physically and spiritually. Many do not know the way to save their souls, many feel hopeless because nobody leads them the way… and few are those who truly love and serve in the name of Christ.


Inspired by her patroness, the Virgin of the Poor, the Sisters of Mary Schools shall direct their energy and resources to the poorest of the poor youth of the country by way of providing them with high quality Secondary Education intensive on Vocational-Technical Curriculum molding them into citizens committed to serve the nation, to love their fellow being, and spread moral and spiritual values based on the Gospels.


The Sisters of Mary Schools envision that the graduates, in their everyday life and in the pursuit of their calling, will become the new disciples in spreading the work of redemption, and at the same time, teach and lead by example the Marian virtues of simplicity, charity, gratitude and joy.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

White Moon Bar of Manila Ocean Park

Gosh I never been so amazed when I’ve been in here it’s like a magic made, for It’s an open-air lounge that face on where the sun sets, its lamps scattered around the area with its fascinated walls that is made of glass it has a waterfalls that caught my attention for it gives more attraction to the scenery.

Its weaved couch with a pretty cushion, and the place has two color, Black and White, it gives more elegance to the place to sit on for relaxation with the entire family, friends, lovers or even work mates. You could feel the soothing breeze that comes from the sea. Its music brings life to the night especially when the jiving beats will be played, it indulges you to go yoohhh…and uplift you to your best mood.

The will groom Barman will serve a wine and cocktails, with courtesy and captivating smile that could make us costumer be very important and will of.

Even my best Bud Mavic and our business mentor was captivated by its beauty, for its not just a simple bar that place on a vast of water , it really make us feel more closer to one of Gods greatest give to us which is the SEA. So guys I’ll tell you to come and experience what I’ve been experiencing for you won’t regret it…